100 days of corona havoc

100 days of corona havoc

100 days of corona havoc: worldwide number of patients crosses 16 lakhs, more than 95 thousand people died


On the first day of the New Year, when everyone was engulfed in celebration, a warning of new deadly virus was born in China and it turned into a pandemic devastating the whole world, which did not forget all the countries. Have given lessons China officially revealed the virus at 01.38 pm on 31 December and 01 January, which spread from the open meat market in Wuhan with a population of 1.1 million. In 100 days, the number of patients from Corona has crossed 1.6 million worldwide and more than 95 thousand people have died.

01 January
Wuhan’s meat market closed
Wuhan’s meat-fish market closed. News of mysterious disease went viral in China’s social media. Taiwan, Hong Kong and Singapore first began screening. 

09 January
Novel Coronavirus Identified
Chinese scientists identify new corona virus isolated from SARS, MARS. Death of 61-year-old patient in Wuhan.

13 January – First case outside China, first case
outside Thailand found. China said that there are no signs of infection from human to human. Hundreds of cases were found in a week.

20 January 
China admitted, infection spread among humans. Dissemination in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangdong. First case in US, Japan and South Korea.  

January 24 – Lockdown in
Wuhan: Lockdown announced in Wuhan. Over 800 cases and 25 deaths revealed. Reached France. America said that we are not a threat 

31 January – First patient in
India, first patient appeared in India, UK, Spain and Italy. Italy, Spain said that there is no threat to us. 11 thousand and 258 died in China. America banned China travelers.

February 4 – First death outside China, regardless of trump
China, there were 20 thousand patients and 425 deaths. The first death outside China occurred in the Philippines. Death of Whistleblower Doctor Li Wenliang. American scientists warned Trump that the disease would go away as the heat progressed.

19 February – South Korea’s church becomes trouble. In
South Korea, an infected woman arrives at a church with a crowd of 1200, causing a flood of cases. Virus reached Iran. The transition led to big football matches in Italy and Spain, oblivious. 

25 February – Around the world, the alarm bell
reached 80 thousand cases in the world. There were 11 deaths in Italy and quarantine enforced in Bergamo. More than 50 deaths raged in Qom, Iran. On his tour to India, Trump again said, America is safe.

06 March – Deaths increased six times in Italy, deaths in
Italy increased six times in six days, ten thousand cases occurred. The first death from infection in Britain, but PM Boris Johnson said he would continue to shake hands. 

March 11 — Kovid-19 declared
epidemic with WHO declaring epidemic as one lakh 16 thousand cases in the world and one thousand in America. Markets rolled out in the US, UK and India. 168 deaths a day in Italy. Britain’s denial of social distancing.

March 17 –
European countries seal borders European countries seal borders. France declared a war-like situation. There were 17 thousand cases in Spain. One lakh 60 thousand patients reached the world.

On March 22-23, there
was a public curfew in India on 22 March. Lockdown after 6600 cases in Britain. Lockdown in India from 24 March. In New York, 20 thousand patients were found in America with 5 thousand. Lockdown in half the world by the end of March. 03 lakh 70 thousand patients in the world.

02 April — The figure of 50 thousand deaths reached
more than 1 million patients in the world and more than 50 thousand deaths. There were 2069 total patients in India. A record 950 dead in a single day in Spain. The figure of 2.5 million cases and deaths reached six thousand in America.

99th day 08 April
Injured British PM Boris Johnson’s condition critical. 6500 deaths occurred worldwide on April 4. On April 8, the total cases crossed 13 lakh and the death toll crossed 75 thousand.

Lesson —
The firepower of the epidemic was ignored
. The big countries of the world did not take tough measures together
. The large gathering in churches, mosques and cruise deteriorated
, which the WHO delayed.

Crisis —
60 percent of global population imprisoned in homes due to lockdown
, fear of major economic recession since 1930
No new drug or vaccine of new virus developed in the world yet
Effect of hydroxychloroquine or other medicines

Such a terrible epidemic happened on
06 March-01 lakh
— 20 days —
26 March-05 lakh
— 05 days —-
01 April -10 lakh
— 07 days —-
08 April-15 lakh

95080 people died in the world, 15.92 lakhs infected

The global pandemic corona virus (Kovid-19) is not taking the name of the outbreak and now 95080 people have died and 1592036 people have died due to this infection which has spread in most of the countries (205 countries and regions). Have been infected. So far, 3.53 lakh people worldwide have been cured of this virus. At the same time, the corona virus havoc in India is increasing and the number of people infected with corona has increased to 6412 after 547 new cases have been reported in the last 12 hours. The Kovid-19 pandemic has led to a record 30 deaths in the past 12 hours, bringing the death toll to 199. According to data released by the Ministry of Health, out of a total of 6412 cases of corona virus, 5709 are active cases. In addition, 503 people have fully recovered or have been discharged from the hospital. According to the Health Ministry data up to 8 am, The highest number of deaths occurred in Maharashtra with 97 from the corona virus. Now the number of victims of this epidemic has increased to 1586.

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