SEO services in varanasi pandeypur

SEO services in varanasi pandeypur

SEO Service In Varanasi

Before Giving qoutation , Things which we ask to client

Before Giving qoutation , Things which we ask to client

If totally new website then
1. website URL (if client will provide URL then 2,3,4,5 can figure out)
2. If he/she have keywords already then share else we will suggest keywords.
3. Targeted country,city & area
4. Targeted language & religion
5. product/service of client

      If website is already ranked but client wants to improve traffic then
      1. website URL (if client will provide URL then 2,3,4,5 can figure out)
      2. If he/she have keywords already then share else we will suggest keywords.
      3. Targeted country,city & area
      4. Targeted language & religion
      5. product/service of client
      6. Ask current traffic on website from targeted area
      7. number of keywords and list of keywords

After getting hired ask to provide this to client –

1. If he/she have access of Google analytics and Google search console
2. If he/she have access of google business page
3. social media pages moderator/agent access.
we ask many stuff like this before starting projects…

How we work
1. Ask website domain name & keywords if client have
2. If client don’t have keywords we suggest them keywords & stategy.
3. if keywords approved then we give charges and if client agree with that
4. we discuss payment terms & share agreement.
5. after agreement approval we start work.

What is Seo?

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. It refers to the practice of improving a website’s visibility and ranking on search engine results pages (SERPs). The goal of SEO is to attract organic (non-paid) traffic to a website by optimizing various aspects such as website content, structure, and user experience.

Benefits Of SEO services

1.  Increased Website Traffic: SEO helps your website rank higher in search engine results, leading to increased visibility and more clicks from users.

2. Better User Experience: SEO involves optimizing your website structure and content, making it more user-friendly and providing a better experience for visitors.

3. Builds Credibility and Trust: Websites that appear higher in search results are often perceived as more trustworthy and credible by users. SEO helps establish your business as an authority in your industry.

4. Higher Conversion Rates: With improved visibility and a better user experience, your website is likely to attract more qualified leads, resulting in higher conversion rates.

5. Cost-Effective Marketing: Compared to traditional advertising, SEO is a cost-effective digital marketing strategy. It targets users actively searching for products or services related to your business.

6. Global Reach: SEO allows your business to reach a global audience. By optimizing for relevant keywords, you can attract visitors from different parts of the world.

7. Long-Term Results: While it may take time to see significant results, the benefits of SEO are long-lasting. Once your website ranks well, it can continue to attract organic traffic over time.


What we do in On site SEO Service and Off site SEO service ?

On Site / On Page SEO

1. Keyword Research
2. Robots.txt
3. Canonical tag 
4. Sitemap.xml
5. OG Tag
6. Twitter Card
7. Charges/price page
8. Integrate google analytics
9. Plagrisum
10. Website speed Optimization
11. Code Optimization
12. Keyword in title & meta tag
13. Upload schema / Bradcrum  
14.Contact optimization
15. Image Optimization
16. Blog with keyword name
17.  Error /bug fixing
18. URL Structure
19. Meta tags Creation
20. Blog posting
21.  Integrate google console

Off Site / Off Page SEO

1. Keyword Research
2. social media pages created or not??
3. Google Site Verification
4. Blogger or blogspot page creation
5. wix or wibly kind of popular free website create
6. Backlink:
    pdf submission
   Profile creation
   directory submission
   PPT submission
   slide submission
   Classifieds submission
   broken backlink building
   Local citations
Blog posting
   Guest Post
   Social sharing
   Question & Answer



Ques.  How many months will take get ranked in top 10?
Answer.   4 months sometime it takes 5-6 months

Ques.   In starting how many keywords is good for SEO?
Answer-   Basically minimum 10 keywords.

Ques.   Are you able to rank my website in france or USA?
Answer-    Yes, we can rank any website in all over world. we can work on any language of website and on any location.

Ques.  How many keywords you will suggest?
Answer-   Depends on clients need.

Ques.  Are you going to provide report? If yes then when?
Answer-  we will Provide weekly updates of Keyword ranking , Traffic & progress.

Ques.   What will be contract between client and Techoriginator?
Ans-  We always Charge 50% advance monthly payment in starting of month and  rest end of month Or we can work on weekly payment basis.

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