What is Inkscape ?

ink scape

What is Inkscape ?

A fully loaded and open source graphic design software, Inkscape is known for its ability to easily create vectors designs, It has a wide variety of vector editing tools that are very handy for graphic designers. These tools can be used to manipulate graphic aspects such as shapes, paths, text, clones, gradients and transparency effects, also many other things to do.

Creative Commons metadata, node editing, path operations, circumfluent object text, and node editing, among many other operations, are moreover supported. The solution is so robust that it is comparable with the expensive and quality tools of its kind. With Inkspace, users can play easily with image shapes, apply filters on images and fill them with gradients. Projects can be saved in SVG, EPS, JPG, BMP, PNG, PostScript and also in TIP formats, which can be exported to vector-based formats. Inkspace comes for free so you don’t have to worry about making an investment in the graphic designing app.

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