Frontend Development

Who this Frontend Development Course?

The frontend development course you mentioned covers several fundamental technologies and frameworks used in building the user interface of a website. Here’s a breakdown of each component:

  1. HTML (Hypertext Markup Language): HTML is the standard markup language for creating the structure and content of web pages. It describes how a webpage’s elements are arranged.
  2. CSS (Cascading Style Sheets): CSS is a styling language used to define the appearance and layout of HTML elements on a webpage. It allows you to control colors, fonts, spacing, and other visual aspects.
  3. JavaScript: It describes how a webpage’s elements are arranged. It enables you to create interactive features, handle user interactions, manipulate webpage content, and communicate with servers.
  4. Bootstrap: Bootstrap is a popular CSS framework that provides pre-designed, responsive components and styles for building user interfaces. It simplifies the process of creating visually appealing and mobile-friendly websites.

Why take this Frontend Development Course?

Taking up front-end development with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Bootstrap can be a great decision for several reasons:

  1. In-Demand Skill Set: Front-end development is a highly sought-after skill in the tech industry. Companies are constantly looking for talented developers who can create visually appealing and responsive user interfaces.
  2. Web Development Foundation: Learning HTML, CSS, and JavaScript provides a solid foundation for web development. These technologies are the building blocks of the web, and understanding them is crucial for any web developer.
  3. User Experience (UX): Front-end developers are responsible for creating the user interface and experience of websites or web applications. Learning front-end development allows you to enhance the user experience by making designs visually appealing and interactive.
  4. Cross-Platform Development: With responsive web design, you can ensure your applications work well on various devices, including desktops, tablets, and mobile phones, without having to build separate applications for each platform.
  5. Bootstrap Framework: Bootstrap is a popular front-end framework that simplifies the process of building responsive websites and web applications. It provides a set of pre-designed components and styles that you can use to speed up development and maintain consistency.
  6. Versatility: Front-end development skills are not limited to a specific type of project or industry. Whether it’s an e-commerce website, a blog, a social media platform, or a corporate site, front-end developers are needed everywhere.
  7. Collaboration with Back-End Developers: Understanding front-end development allows you to collaborate effectively with back-end developers, enabling you to build fully functional web applications.
  8. Freelance Opportunities: Front-end development skills can open up freelance opportunities where you can work on various projects for different clients.
  9. Continuous Learning: The web development landscape is continually evolving, providing ongoing opportunities to learn new techniques and stay updated with the latest trends and best practices.
  10. Personal Projects and Prototyping: Knowing front-end development allows you to work on personal projects or prototypes, giving you a platform to showcase your ideas and creativity.

What you will learn in Frontend Development ?

HTML (HyperText Markup Language):

  • Understanding the basic structure of web pages.
  • Working with HTML tags and attributes to create content and elements.
  • Building forms to collect user input.
  • Creating semantic markup for improved accessibility and SEO.

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets):

  • Styling HTML elements using CSS properties like colors, fonts, margins, padding, etc.
  • Learning about selectors and specificity to target specific elements for styling.
  • Building responsive layouts using media queries.
  • Understanding CSS box model for element positioning and sizing.
  • Applying animations and transitions for smoother user experiences.


  • Introducing programming concepts like variables, loops, and conditional statements in JavaScript.
  • Interacting with the Document Object Model (DOM) to manipulate HTML and CSS dynamically.
  • Handling interactions with users and adding interactive elements to websites.
  • Making asynchronous requests (AJAX) to fetch data from servers without page refresh.
  • Working with arrays and objects to store and manipulate data.

Bootstrap (Front-end Framework):

  • Utilizing Bootstrap’s pre-built CSS and JavaScript components for responsive web design.
  • Creating responsive, mobile-first layouts using Bootstrap’s grid system.
  • Customizing Bootstrap components to fit the project’s design requirements.
  • Implementing Bootstrap’s utility classes for faster development and consistency.


Junior Frontend Developer- ₹3,00,000 – ₹6,00,000 per year
Mid-Level Frontend Developer- ₹6,00,000 – ₹12,00,000 per year
Senior Frontend Developer- ₹12,00,000 – ₹20,00,000+ per year


There are many job profiles are avaliable in varanasi & all over India. Such Job Profiles name is – Frontend Engineer, UI/UX Developer, Frontend Web Developer,Frontend Software Developer,Frontend Designer, etc.

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Charges & duration of SEO ( search engine optimization )

Duration : 6 month
Charges : 6,000/-

View all Fee & duration of separate course backend, database & PHP.

Frontend Development course syllabus details

  1. Overview of Frontend Development
  2. Essential tools and software for development
  3. Introduction to web browsers and how they render websites
  1. Introduction to HTML5
  2. Document structure with HTML
  3. Working with text, headings, paragraphs, and lists
  4. Creating links and anchors
  5. Adding images and multimedia
  6. Understanding HTML forms and form elements
  1. Introduction to CSS3
  2. Inline, internal, and external stylesheets
  3. Selectors and properties
  4. Box model and layout
  5. Working with text and fonts
  6. Styling backgrounds and images
  7. Introduction to responsive design principles
  1. Semantic HTML elements
  2. Working with tables
  3. Creating responsive layouts with CSS media queries
  4. Flexbox and Grid layout systems
  1. Overview of JavaScript and its role in frontend development
  2. Variables, data types, and operators
  3. Control structures (if, else, loops)
  4. Functions and scope
  5. DOM manipulation (accessing and modifying HTML/CSS through JavaScript)
  6. Event handling
  1. Working with arrays and objects
  2. Manipulating the DOM with advanced techniques
  3. Asynchronous programming and AJAX
  4. Introduction to ES6+ features
  1. Introduction to Bootstrap and its benefits
  2. Setting up Bootstrap in your project
  3. Bootstrap’s grid system
  4. Styling components like buttons, forms, and cards
  5. Responsive design with Bootstrap
  1. Combining HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Bootstrap to build a real-world project
  2. Implementing responsive design principles
  3. Incorporating interactivity with JavaScript and Bootstrap components
  1. Techniques for optimizing frontend code
  2. Debugging and troubleshooting
  3. Cross-browser compatibility
  4. Introduction to web performance
  1. Using Git for version control
  2. Deploying your project to a live server
  3. Best practices for maintaining and updating your codebase


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