App Development service in Varanasi

App Development


What is App development?
Mobile application development is the process of making software for smartphones, tablets and digital assistants, most commonly for the Android and iOS operating systems.

In our team we work on both-  (a) Android app work on android mobile. (b) IOS app : work on Apple mobile.


Benifits of app for any business :
Why anyone have app for their business?

app development services in Varanasi, app development course, app development company

1. Staying ‘front of mind’ with customers – your app on someone’s home screen can help reinforce you as the answer to their needs when they require what you offer: especially if your app is helpful in other ways.

2. Ease of access – for the user, clicking your app is far quicker and easier than accessing yours or a competitor’s website even if they’ve bookmarked it.

3. Data capture – valuable data can be gathered from apps concerning use, activity and buying habits.

4. Management – Handle all management stuff like records and job details so organization perform well.

5. Staff interaction – information can be passed quickly and easily to staff whether for those accessing an internal company portal or people working in remote locations.

6. Productivity – app-based interactions can streamline communications with staff and outside contractors. And then you can ditch labour intensive paper-based reporting.

7. Automation – Things get automated so many job gets done by algorithms using AI.

8.Communication – it’s easier to interact with your customers and prospects with an app including the immediacy of being able to attract their attention and maybe prompt action through, for example, push notifications. 

Type of App

Hybrid Apps
Native Apps
Web Apps

1.Hybrid app

In this we develop single code and build app which will work on both platform(mobile) android and ios.

2. Native app

In this we develop code for both platform ( mobile )and build app.

3. Web app

A web application is software that runs in your web browser. Businesses have to exchange information and deliver services remotely.

How to calculate charges of App development or How much App development cost?

Charges of App development depends on many factor but major factor is Time and effort as well man power required in App development. some other factor like how much urgent work is and how tough job is and years of experience required to solve the issues?
Must to know if need need ios or android and if need both then hybrid app or native app?

Ask to client this:

  1. Need android & ios both or anyone of this?
  2. Need Hybrid or Native app?
  3. features required in app?
  4. Try to find out total time required (time depends on number of features client needs in App and quality of work client is expecting.)
  5. Try to find number of manpower required.( if urgent task manpower may require more)
  6. How much urgent job is?
  7. How much tough task is?
  8. Is very experienced developer required ?

So always ask all this things and then team will write down everything on paper and try to calculate charges and duration.

5 pages portfolio App cost $150 (5 days).


1 Step 1
FormCraft - WordPress form builder


1 Step 1
FormCraft - WordPress form builder